
Thai Massage is an integrated, sequenced procedure and in Thailand a massage commonly lasts two-hours.  Although this may seem a long time, the full benefits of Thai massage come from a combination of the physical treatment and the prolonged period of tranquillity.

An initial treatment of 60 minutes provides a good introduction to Thai massage.  During this time the whole body is massaged step by step using the so-called ‘complex’ full range of techniques and this provides an opportunity for the practitioner to identify problem areas linked to current or historical stressing of tissue.

Appointments may be booked for periods of 60, 90 minutes, or 120 minutes.

Choice of the amount of time and frequency of each massage treatment is of course a matter of personal circumstances. Some may book as many as two appointments in a week, others may book only once a year when visiting from Australia.

Massages of 30 minutes are suited to specific treatments to head, neck, back or knee. It should be borne in mind that discomfort in those areas may be caused by problems in other parts of the body.

Complex full body massages are suited to treatments of 60, 90 and 120 minutes which may either be for maintaining good posture, suppleness and overall wellbeing or to contribute to remedying specific physical problems. In such cases the practitioner tailors the treatment to address the problem, and adjusts it as recovery progresses.

We treat people from all walks of life and across a wide age range. We provide massage treatments for women’s health suited to their stages of life including motherhood.

Our ground floor premises, which are without any steps, are readily accessible.